
We create playgrounds for children using only safe materials and combinations of components. We take care of the use of solid solutions in the case of stairs, landings, poles and other elements constituting the construction base. We make sure that the joints between metal elements and plastic parts are sufficiently strong and durable. Some elements are made of galvanized, chrome-plated and powder-coated steel, which limits its susceptibility to corrosion. Stainless steel posts and bolts are responsible for the stability of the structure.

Our playgrounds are designed and constructed in such a way that they constantly stimulate the psychomotor development of children. To ensure your child as safe as possible while playing on our playground, we closely cooperate with some certification bodies such as:


The Institute issues certificates for playgrounds in compliance with PL_EN 1176:2017, analysing thoroughly the component structure. Its certificate confirms that our products comply with the standards indicated and are safe. Certificates cover play sets, roundabouts, swings, slides, rockers, nets, cable cars, completely covered playing equipment and bouncy equipment. Submitting our products to certification by the Institute we can be sure that we obtain expert’s analysis, which leads to increased safety and competition of the product and customers’ trust in the product.


The company for over 130 years specialises in testing and certifying safety in multiple areas, issuing certificates also for playgrounds. As producers we arrange the certification process as thanks to their tested procedures we save time and money. However, first of all we want to minimise risk due to top safety and quality defined by the high certification standards. Thanks to cooperation with experts and certification process we increase our competitiveness. TÜV SÜD  test our playgrounds for mechanical, functional and chemical safety.


TÜV Rheinland Polska

One of leading certifying and research companies in Poland. It inspects also playgrounds in compliance with PN-EN 1776 and PN-EN 1177 the unit performs routine inspections (visual inspections once a week), functional (checking the wear and tear, every 1-3 months) and basic (yearly). It tests playground for safety of swings, slides, ropes, roundabouts, rockers and climbing frames. Certification means preventing accidents.